Saturday, August 2, 2014

U.S. Surf Open

Everybody's gone surfinnnn... Surfin USA!

Yesterday was a fun day. I went to the U.S. Open of Surfing at Huntington Beach! I have been looking forward to this day since last summer. I left California right before the open last year and I was so bummed. This year I got to go! I had a splendid time.

People were lined up along the pier to get a close look at the surfers catching their waves

Go Yellow!

Go Blue!

BMX... So cool! I would cringe every time they wouldn't land a trick... and major cringe to one of the guys who came down so wrong and hard that he bent his back wheel.

Who knew skaters could be sooooo cute!? This was fun to watch also.

This was a long-boarding competition. It was based on style. The big thing is "toes on the nose" which is when all of your toes hang over the nose of the surf board! There was also a rule that you couldn't have a leash... so every time a surfer would fall off, he'd have to scurry and swim to his board!

I had such a great time. There was tons of people watching (I've never seen so many butt cheeks in my life) and cool events to watch. I have a new respect for these types of sports- especially surfing. If the waves aren't coming as quickly or as strong as you'd like, you pretty much just have to make it happen. Congrats to everyone who competed yesterday! Sunday marks the end of the competitions so we'll see who made it!

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