Friday, May 15, 2015

Hi from Hallerbos

Bojour from Belgium!

But actually, Goeiendag from the Flemish side of Belgium!

Did you know that Belgium is divided into a Flemish-speaking area, as well as a French-speaking area? I wasn't aware! The 1/37 of my brain that knows French was thinking, Why are all of these streets written in "HoogenFloogen"?! But now it all makes sense!

In other news, I'm eating a chocolate croissant.

Today, which is my "real" first day in Belgium, has been spectacular so far! It started out with the most beautiful cup of Community Coffee for a taste of home, mixed with a sausage roll from Belgium. Can you feel the pounds packing on? Me too...

After Steffy-poo and I got ready, we headed to Hallerbos, which is "The Blue Forest."

To all the Twilight enthusiasts... I know what you're thinking!


I love sunshine glitter!

Unfortunately my arrival was not in time for the fullest bloom of the bluebells, but look at the cutie above!

There was a really big windstorm that uprooted some gigantic trees. The fallen trees get cut into fire wood for the community to buy!

Do you need just one more taste of HoogenFloogen? OH, STOP IT! You're silly.

No really.

Now I'm off to meet more people and Joe is cooking shrimp creole! Again... I feel the pounds coming... Maybe I can exchange them in England for some dollars :)


  1. Wonderful start to your trip!! Keep blogging!

  2. Nice bocchhhe on the bluebells, BeBe! Beautiful stuff!

    (I not amonomus, I Dada)
