Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What I Love...

I've been thinking for a while of doing a blog post that lists things I dig! So, here we go!

1. "My family of 5". (I also dearly love those relatives who do not live inside of my house. Y'all are the bomb, too.)
2. Baking. (I really enjoy making sweet treats! Especially for special occasions when I get to whip out my Mimi's Martha Stewart Cake Decorating Kit! I kind of prefer "cooking" though... it doesn't require measuring utensils. Oh, and cook books are so cool. I like them.)

3. Taking pictures.
4. Reading. (Eat. Pray. Love.)
5. Disney World.
6. Traveling.
7. Foreign Countries. (... and I may also whole-heartedly love foreign boys. I'll go ahead and attribute that to my mother who fancied two foreign exchange students before she met my awesome little Cajun dad.)
8. Languages.
9. Architecture. (I adore Tudor style homes and will build or buy a Tudor style castle wherever I call home as a big girl.)
10. Cars. (One day I'd like to personally restore an old Mustang with my two hands.)
11. Music & Concerts.
12. Da beach.
13. Putting on makeup and doing my hair.
14. Watching movies.
15. A cup of hot coffee with a fancy flavored coffee creamer.
16. Starbucks instagram photos in the winter.
17. Holidays.

18. Waking up on a leisurely Saturday and watching QVC. (I don't even care that I'm a grandma)
19. Disney Movies. (Tangled & Frozen...holla.)
20. Church.
21. A clean room. (Do I ever clean mine? No.)
22. Sunshine.
23. Lifting weights.(There's a reason cardio and crying both start with a 'c' and it's because they're synonymous with each other.)
24. New tech gadgets.
25. Making YouTube videos.
26. Cute outfits found on Pinterest.
27. Learning. (I definitely dislike school, so I'm referring to the ride at Disney that takes you through hydroponic gardens where they teach you how to garden without soil. I like learning like that!)
28.Waking up on Sunday and watching HGTV. (One day I'll also renovate an old home...with my bare hands.)
29. Pretty colors.
30. Reassurance.
31. Surfing & Snow Boarding (or attempting.)

32. Candles.
33. Hugs. (Good hugs.. the kind with a little back rub action incorporated in it)
34. Babies!
35. Surprises. (I love surprising people as well)
36. Making new friends. (The actual act of meeting people terrifies me, but once I've gotten a friend out of the deal, all is well).
37. Being festive.
38. Nature. (Pretty scenery!)
39. Flowers. (Not in the "my boyfriend must surprise me with flowers" way- I'd rather be surprised with a medium cooked steak- but I do think fresh tulips are lovely.)

40. Going to the park.
41. Seasons. (Mainly summer, but I also enjoy a little wintertime... I find the chill mysterious. Fall is nice too. Spring... Okay, all seasons win.)
42. Pretty painted fingers and toes.
43. Sleeping.
44. Laughing.
45. Dancing with my gal pals. (Watch out... I am Miss Dancy Pants.)
46. Using fun words. (I think words like brilliant, stupendous, and lovely are all sooo fun! Like, kick "cool" to the curb.)
47. Chillaxing.
48. Making Plans. (Although being "spontaneous" is fun, and I am down for spur of the moment activities, my control freak self does enjoy making plans in my mental calendar)
49. Writing.
50. Gum.

Besides pondering things that provide myself immense happiness, I also find it interesting to learn what other people enjoy, and take part in those activities with them. What kinds of things tickle your fancy?

Love what you do and do what you love."
-Ray Bradbury

1 comment:

  1. As always, thank you for the smiles and giggles.

    Love you forever and always,
