Friday, July 4, 2014

Fun on the Fourth

Happy 4th of July, dudes!

Let freedom ring... for reals!

Don't judge me, but this morning I was scrolling through Instagram, and my love, Dan Smith from Bastille posted a photo. I was immensely confused when the one photo he posted today had nothing to do with the 4th of July,

until my brain started working... and then I was like... OH. Only America celebrates this holiday. In my defense, I did say I saw this picture THIS MORNING. Which means my brain wasn't on. Did I tell you about that one time I woke up one morning and went straight to the kitchen to fix myself some oatmeal, and I grabbed the bowl from the cabinet and just dropped it on the ground causing it to shatter and then I stared at it? See, me and my brain have issues at morning time.

In other news.

I headed to Jeff's apartment because their super awesome pool was having a partay with a DJ and food. My favorites. But first, I had to be festive. I love being festive. I even feel like I should drink pumpkin spice lattes in the fall despite the fact that I don't even like them. I just have to match the occasion.

I decided to get a hot dog because I'm a man and I wanted a hotdog. Here's me and my hotdog. I named him "Yumlet". Everyone tell him hello, he's embarrassed now.

Then... I eated him.

And then they announced that there was a cookie truck in the parking lot.

Pardon me.



Remi rolled right over. It just so happens that the oblivious customers in front of me had no idea what life they were in, so it gave me time to strategize. I ended up deciding I wanted a snickerdoodle, because quite frankly I think cinnamon and sugar are beautiful (I will refer to my husband and I as cinnamon and sugar because I believe that is the best combination out there... other than steak and loaded baked potatoes). And of course I had to test out their straight up chocolate chip, and then my heart melted when I heard the chewy chocolate fudge cookie was similar to a brownie. Yes please.

Also, the man working the "Drive Me Cookie" truck was absolutely breath-taking, and he asked me where I was from. I didn't even mind that he asked me this time because he was so cute! And he owns a cookie truck. Brownie points for you, sir (lol)! Do you not trust that I ate my cookies? Here's proof :)

Jeff always picks on me because I never get in the water, but can you find me? I'm in the water. I actually swam in the pool today and it was seriously so fun. I felt 7 years old being like, "MOMMY WATCH ME SWIM ACROSS THE POOL." You have to read that in the Tiffany man voice. Tiffany is the coolest chick and she taught me how to do the most gnarly Kermit-esque man voice.

I also hula hooped.

Then I ended the night at Kevin's watching the sunset and fireworks!

1 comment:

  1. Love you hula-hooping!! And love seeing you IN the water!! You are soooo cute, and amazing, and just all around Wonderful!! How did I get so lucky?? ♥

    Love you like crazy,
