Monday, June 30, 2014

Water Skis Win at Big Bear Lake

Yesterday was so fun!

And... tiring (in the, 'did I just get hit by a train?' way)! I'm trying to hold my eyeballs open after sleeping for 8 solid hours. Oh well, no fear! My coffee is currently brewing, and soon I will be throwing some craziness your way.

Second sip down... Aaaah :)

Okay, so HELLO!

Around 8 yesterday morning, we hopped on the Harley (I absolutely love motos) and hunted down the boat, which was in Corona. From Corona we went straight to Big Bear, with minor hiccups like trying to pull a ski boat through the Taco Bell drive-thru. That was 'no bueno' if you will. Oh, and TRAFFIC. California, I love you... but quit doing road work.

We finally arrived to Big Bear Lake and it was the most gorgeous lake I have ever seen! (And basically the only lake I've seen surrounded by trees... our lakes at home are surrounded by refineries! Hehe!)

Pirate Ship!

Yesterday I made a promise to myself that I would, no matter what, whatever the weather, despite the circumstances, get up on either a wake board or water skis. I'm a diva sometimes but not today. I will be a man and make it happen. I mean, I "surf" in Louisiana, paddle board, I snowboarded once and figured out how to get up on my own. Why can't I water ski? Oh, because it's HARD. Thank you so much. Keeping your skis upright alone was throwing my brain for a loop. I probably should have tried wake boarding, as surfing, snowboarding, and skateboarding all use UNO BOARDO. But after I almost died the one time I tried to get up on the water skis, I kindly declined any offer to try again.  I refuse to die twice in one day. Water skis win.

Uhh, someone make these things stay upright!
A photo with the winner and loser... the winner is not me, FYI
I decided to tube instead which was easier... obviously. But it was still fun! Oh, and in case you're curious as to why I'm wearing a spring suit... Well, I did decide to be a diva and the water was maybe just a little bit frigid as it does melt from the mountains surrounding and deposit itself into this lake. I can't quite tell whether I like the wetsuit look. I'm still trying to decide if it camouflages/sucks in the muffin top, or simply makes the muffin top more prominent, thus, making one feel like a gigantic floating water buffalo. I'll let you know what I decide.

Feeling gnarly dude... at the lake or something??

After some fun stuff, we were huuuungry. So we stopped at a little place on the water for pulled pork sandwiches the dudes had been raving about all day. I basically vacuumed mine up. Also made a few sliders with mac & cheese on them. Yumola.

We played on the water a little more, mated with a buoy, and brought out a kite!

And house hunted!
Kevin Costner's

This one is still being built... I would definitely take it!

Britney Spears's!
It started to get late, so we hauled our stuff back to the car and rode into the sunset! Literally. I took a picture of the sunset for my mom because she loOoOoOves sunset pictures.

Then of course we had to ride the Harley back, at 10 pm... It was fun. Minus the hurricane force winds on my delicate wittle face. Uhm.. Oh. Uhh oops. Pardon me. Yeah, so no diva-ness necessary. IT WAS FUN.

Nowwww just in case I were to get a motorcycle though, it would be this one.

And did you know that we just passed the 'halfway to Christmas' mark? We did. And also, I would get this helmet.
Anyhow, I had a lovely day at Big Bear Lake yesterday and hope to go back someday!


  1. And! The secret to skiing is to slalom ski! One is better than two

  2. Looks like it was a beautiful day! Love all the pictures...:-)

