Monday, June 23, 2014

Look Ahead!

I think "look ahead" would be what I would tattoo on my face if I were to get a tattoo on my face, although I'm relatively certain that I will not be getting a tattoo on my face.

Why why whyyyyyy?


We are all strong, brave, capable, and creative in some way or another, and often times if you've hit a rough patch, you seem to forget all of the wonderful characteristics you embody. So as a reminder to everyone- keep your eye on the prize! You are able to do anything you set your mind to. Larger leaps of faith can result in scarier falls, but realize that the possibility taking a few falls may add a new facet to your already stunning diamond self! Maybe you'll become more knowledgeable and determined, or acquire better methods of communication.

This past semester of college was rather challenging for me! I was taking 6 classes and one was very involved. My mom would remind me during times when I was struggling that in just a few short months I would be in California having the summer of a lifetime! She was right, and I'm thankful for her constant encouragement, and always believing that I can push through even if I feel like I cannot. This summer is more rewarding to me after being so buckled down with school work.

In terms of being here in California, this was also somewhat of a leap of faith. Being such a homebody and family girl, many nights before I left, I would get nervous and think, "Will I be okay living over 1,000 miles away from home for so long? What if something goes wrong and I'm alone!?" I'm glad I "looked ahead" to the many adventures I would experience and didn't let fear of the unknown win. I am having the time of my life here, and although I have experienced a few things go awry, I'm learning new things about myself and about the world that I would otherwise have not. I guess you could say I'll come home a "bigger girl" as far as worldly knowledge goes (hopefully not bigger on the scale..hehe ;)).

Look ahead- even if it's to the molten cuppa joe you'll have tomorrow morning, or a super fun Saturday you have planned, or if it's to a new season that may bring new blessings and a different nature scene. Take risks, appreciate rewards, and most importantly, go make life happen!

Happy Monday, friends. You are all beautiful diamonds :)


  1. So proud of you, Remi. Have a blast in Cali.

  2. Yes, I agree!! Go Make Life Happen! :-)

    I Love You,

