Saturday, May 31, 2014





I went to pick her up from the airport yesterday and I was so excited to see her. We got home and made breakfast for a very late supper. We had bacon, fruit, eggs (I let Mary take over the eggs... she cooked them with chopsticks, and, well, I can barely maneuver a piece of sushi into my mouth with chopsticks), and mini-donuts of the chocolate and powdered persuasion. Let me say, it was the BEST breakfast I have had in a while! We stayed up until after 1 AM just catching up and it was so nice to have someone back in the apartment (no more boogie monster noises late at night to give me the heeby jeeblets)!
 Today I woke up early as usual... that darn sunshine! I love it because I'm guaranteed to wake up at a decent time each day without setting an alarm, but gosh. I mean can it just relax sometimes? The answer is no, I don't believe it can. At least not in California. Back to my morning, I made another gross cup of coffee since my professional coffee-making parents aren't here, and went for a "jog." Really, it was mainly a fast walk, but there were many jogging moments evenly dispersed. Let's keep in mind that Californian soil very much resembles mini Egyptian pyramids... aka... IT IS REALLY HILLY SO IT'S KIND OF IMPOSSIBLE TO RUN UP A HILL FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES STRAIGHT WHEN YOU'RE NOT AN AVID RUNNER AND IT'S MAYBE JUST TRYING TO BE TOASTY OUTSIDE, ya dig? It probably wasn't smart of me to wear a black shirt... but when am I ever smart? I was faced with a life decision on this "jog." I had two choices: live or die. Well... yeah, those were my two choices. I like to think of myself as a temperature sensitive diva, and honestly I'm not proud, but I'm not quite sure what can be done to resolve the issue. I'm sensitive to high heat and low cold (it should make sense... opposite words for opposite temperatures.. yes? no...? okay) and today I was feeling high heat. Should I pass out and die in the middle of town, or do the unthinkable and... remove the heat absorbing shirt?? *skooches to the edge of the seat in immense suspense awaiting the verdict* Alright, I took my shirt off. I wasn't thrilled. I was embarrassed, BUT I just pulled my shorts up super high without acquiring a pied d'camel so that my torso was not so ferociously moving about the cabin. Nice view though, right?

 After that adventure, I finally made it back home with my post-mortem face on. I made myself presentable, and went with Mary to this little juice bar called Nekter! The sign is super legit... like it's all colorful, yet it has the minimalist approach. It also has backwards e's. Way too cool. So we got acai bowls for lunch! It was good--sort of similar to this place we like called Banzai Bowls, but the fruit combos were a little different. Mine was "tropical." Aaaaaah.

 When your parents bless you with a unique name, while there's a better chance you'll be called back for that interview because your name is so darn cool they can't stop thinking about you, the local cashier at any store will have 0 idea what is coming out of your mouth. Remi, I know it's quite a tricky name... Probably should be illegal in all 50 states to name your child such a thing. Because of this complexity, I have taken on a pseudonym. Meet Danielle. I am Danielle in public. "Yes, I'll have the #3 please." "Name?" "DANIELLE." Don't get me wrong though, Danielle is often challenging for some also. The lady at Panera Bread, when I told her my name was Danielle, she asked, "So is that like D-E-N-I-L-E?" And I was like... uhm, yep. Mmhmm. That's... that's absolutely it.. Perfect. *Sigh* I'm just glad that now I have a set name. Back in the day when I was new at lying about my name, I would actually forget that I was planning on using a fake name, so when someone would ask, they'd get "uhm... KAY!" Kay? Yeah,.. Kay. Wow, Remi. Kay is such a wonderful name, great choice. *double sigh*

Bottom line, Mary and I went to Nekter and I got to meet two of her friends: Chris and Samantha!

This afternoon Mary needed groceries so I decided to tag along. She decided that she wanted to make cauliflower crust pizza! We're trying to be healthy so it was a good idea... but lol. The crust completely stuck to the aluminum foil when we cooked it. I mean it was just completely glued. The pictures don't do it justice. As a side note, Mary fought for an hour trying to use the blender as a food processer to make the cauliflower like rice, dirtied most all dishes in the house, and didn't even get to eat the dad-gum fruits of our (her) labor. I was sending support from afar while eating chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. I know I said we're eating healthy, but.. well I just bought some ice cream today. We decided to bust the crust and just made some mini pizzas on whole wheat bread.

 These are Mary's pizzas! We got pretty crazy with our pizzas. Pineapple, feta cheese, mushrooms, chicken... you name it- we had it! Tonight we wanted to go see Maleficent, but go figure... the crust that we didn't even get to eat took so long to make that we couldn't get to the movie in time. Instead we watched Despicable Me 2 :)

I'm having such a blast now that Mary is here! We laugh and cut up so much... I feel like it's just one giant sleep-over! Well, I have to get my beauty rest.. I need to look especially gorgeous tomorrow... More details to come ;)


  1. Just tell the juice bar lady that your name is "Remi"....with a "ph".
