Monday, May 18, 2015

Villers Abbey

Saturday we took a little drive over to Villers Abbey for a browse about.

This place was founded in 1146, and was home to monks. They had a garden, prayer areas, and even prisons. Monks... Stay out of trouble!

 It just so happens that we went on the perfect day! There was a beer tasting going on, so we went to check it out. I tried a beer called Pink Killer which is a grapefruit flavored beer and it is the first beer I've enjoyed! Plus it's pink.

People would come around with little nibbles of petite quiches, and toasted baguettes with saucisson et fromage. Talk about tay-stay.


It was a really fun day. High-five to Mike who snuck out with a beer glass... I'm going to bring it home!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics!! Looks like a fun day...thank you for posting!!! You're beyond cute!
