Sunday, June 8, 2014




Best movie I've seen in sooooo long! Seriously, it was just fantabulous. I suppose I'll be nice, and to the 2.5 people on average that read this blog (thank you mommy), there may be some spoiler-type info in case you haven't seen the movie yet...
Is Angelina not the most gorgeous human being? Look at her! I want to be her! I'm seriously considering being Maleficent for Halloween, but I think some drunk slobokus would knock my horns off. Gosh dangit. But I mean, I'd have such a ball doing some severe cheek contouring with makeup, and I'll probably be crazy pale by October, and maybe my eyeballs will look extra light on Halloween... but like, what would I even wear? A big black robe? I don't know... I'm still in the drafting process. I'll probably get my child cousin to craft a gown for me. Oh, and I'll need some lip implants, or I can do that nice trick where you "draw your lip liner outside of your natural lip line" and it's "really subtle" if you "do it right." Yeah, no. That's all the way incorrect, so let's think of another trick. I've tried cayenne pepper flavored Vaseline and let me just tell you, that didn't work either! No surprise.

About the movie though, I thought the graphics were stunning. I was wondering the whole time how the CGI people made the movie come to life like it did! How did they make the glowing fairies so gorgeous!? If I had mad skill, I would love to do CGI for movies. I bet it's very taxing though! I was on an emotional rollercoaster with the movie! When Maleficent was sad, I was sad. So... when Aurora is in her bed in the castle after pricking her finger, I could have lost it. When Maleficent said that Aurora stole the only piece of her heart she had left, a tear was ejected from my eyeball. It didn't stream down my face- it seriously fell from my eyeball to my chest. Emotions everywhere. And Mister Prince, your kiss didn't work man! He was sure cute though :) Also, my roomies are telling me I'm insane for thinking that Maleficent's wings were cut off to save her. Like, if the king saw her wings, he would know she was dead, and then they wouldn't look for her and kill her, thus, she could live a "normal wingless" life. Apparently he did it because he was a butt hole. Either way, two thumbs up!

Mom, I'd love some feedback. Remi as Maleficent for Halloween!?!


  1. Can't wait for Halloween!

  2. You'll be the perfect Maleficent!! Just don't make me say it! ;-)

    Love, Yo Momma
