Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Lets Hear It For LA... Auto Jungle Where People Can't Drive...

... And they're sort of rude tooooooo!

Well, hi! Glad I got to serenade ya a little bit! For those unaware, I revamped Alicia Keys's song "Empire State of Mind."

Yesterday was just a big piñata of fun! Mary and I went to Los Angeles for the day! The original reason for the trip was to go to a Tyler Ward concert in West Hollywood, but we decided to make a day of it as I wanted to see more of Los Angeles than I have so far.

We got up, got ready, and made our way North. Our roommate Amy has been in Los Angeles for a few days visiting her friend Wesley whose spot I'm currently taking in the apartment! Thank you, Wesley! We met up with them for lunch at Wurstküche. It's a gourmet hotdog place. I'd imagine it's similar to the place we have at home downtown. They had rattlesnake hotdogs... and like... other things... but I went with a good ole bratwurst with sauerkraut and spicy peppers! I wanted to be adventurous, but just not yesterday... Although sauerkraut is adventurous for me as I've never put it on a hotdog before! 1 point for Remi!

Isn't it so stunning? Look at that dawg! It was really good, and I think I could appreciate that it wasn't Oscar Meyer and that it was a freshly made sausage. Of course, I wanted fries. Duh. We got them with sweet & sassy BBQ sauce and chipotle aioli. Mmmmm.

And then here I iz with my plate o' goodies.

Mary and I shared the fries.. have no fear. Although, I do have the appetite of a growing teenage boy... Oh, speaking of Mary. We took a picture too!

I was trying to nonchalantly capture the coolness of this place. I love the exposed brick wall and there was also wood everywhere. Yeah, I'd be one to gawk at the interior.

We finished up our delicious lunch and made our way to LACMA which is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art! Did I tell y'all Mary is an artist? Basically everyone is except me. I do want to get schooled in graphic design though... so yes I am an artist as well. This museum was really cool!
These were little pouches to carry money or any other small items since kimonos don't have pockets!

Omg I'm in(front of) a movie!


"Hurry up! This is probably illegal!" I love being extreme.. hehe.

Bonjour, Buddha!

Elllloooo :)
So that was fun! And here's some expert graffiti that I can't quite wrap my head around...

I figured I should be super edgy since we were in LA, so here's my edge contribution.

Yikes. I could stab you with that spike, yessir I could. See my glasses peeking out too? Yeah, it's fun being blind and unable to insert contact lenses.

After strolling about, we went to this lovely place called Milk for sweet treats! Mmm, you know I got me some sweet teef.
What a delish dessert! It was a grasshopper ice cream filled macaron. So, it was mint chocolate chip! Oh my holiness. The texture of the cookie was just outstanding. Like, chewy yet not chewy. So good! They had many flavors like Thai Tea (haven't tried Thai tea yet), salted caramel (Mary got that one.. it was good also!), red velvet, cookies and cream... it was hard to pick! I would have chosen red velvet, but I was trying to strategize. Okay, I saw a really yum looking cookie called a snow cap cookie. It was chocolatey with powedered sugar all over the place, and red velvet is basically just red colored chocolate flavor, so I should get the chocolate cookie for chocolatey flavor and the mint macaron for a light refreshing flavor. I put my brain to work for this one! I want to maximize the taste buds! Please don't tell my mom I got two desserts, I think she would be a little ferocious with me. PORTION CONTROL. ONE IS ENOUGH. But I'm healthy starting today. Plus, I walked all through LACMA... in wedges. I needed energy!

We were so tired by this point. Where was the sugar rush? It was more like a sugar coma. We were trying not to fall asleep in the bakery! We finally decided it was time to make our way down to the Whiskey a GoGo for the concert!

Can I just say that driving in LA is seriously something for crazy people? I got honked at so many times! Like, excuse me for not taking a left on red. Drivers Education said that was a no-no. Oh, did I take too long to parallel park? Maybe tell these idiots I'm trying to squeeze between that they don't know what they're doing either! Is going the speed limit too slow? Sorry, my car doesn't like sprinting up a 90 degree mountain. UGH!

We made it there, thankfully. Doors opened at 6, and I think by the time we circled Sunset Boulevard about 78 times and finally got a spot, we were there at 6:15. The line wrapped around the building already! I was standing in my wedges on a very steep downwards slope. Can you say ouch on the pink toes? All toes for that matter. We got in, and around 7 the first opening act came on. She did maybe 5 sllllooowww guitar songs... and everyone was yelling for an encore. I'm like, must we, folks? Like, let's get on with the show. SO SHE DID AN ENCORE. Omg. Anyway, on comes opening act 2. It was two guys, a piano/guitar player and a violin/cello player. It was a unique duo! I liked them. However, both of the opening acts would start off "So I got broken up with and here's the song..." or "My heart was broken and I went through a rough time so this one is called 'I hate my life'" Like, FRIENDS! Have you ever had SpongeBob easy mac? LETTUCE BE UPLIFTING! Now I see why my mother doesn't immensely dig my slow YouTube covers. I'll be peppier from now on. I was sure Tyler Ward was next! I mean, he had to be! Oh, but nerp. He wasn't. OPENING ACT #3! Heavens. This guy was a little bit way too much for me. It was like folksie/indie guitar one man thing. He also had a heartbreak and I was like, wait... why do you have a significant other and I don't? I'm confused? He was kind of obnoxious and I was like.. hmm what's up on Instagram? He finally was like, and I have one more song. *choir singing alleluia* SURELY TYLER WARD IS NEXT. Omg. NO. He was not next! WE HAVE ANOTHER FEMALE GUITAR PLAYER. She was sporting the hippie outfit. Oh, she had a heartbreak too. I can't write a song yet to save my life, but rest assured, I will have 0 heartbreak songs. I will rather write about bottled water. She did her thing forever and FINALLY TYLER WARD CAME OUT. He did great. He chatted with us a bunch which was nice! He shared his story about going to college to be a teacher, but taking a break to pursue music. He's such a nice guy! Mary liked him, too.
It was such a fun show! A lot of dancing. We left the concert and made our way back home only to run into LA traffic at 11:30 at night... mucho convenient! Anyway, not only did I enjoy the show but I am also excited to maybe try to really start working hard on music. It's too bad that my friend Barrett and I entered a contest to be Tyler's opening act for a concert in Dallas and didn't end up winning ;( but I would love to be up on stage having fun with the crowd while doing something I really enjoy!


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