Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cozy Campfires & Holiday Hankerings

"...Happy birthday, dear Remiiiiiii... Happy birthday to you! Now blow out your candles!"

Or... in my case, blow out your marshmallow!

Okay, so it's not my birthday, but I can dream right? I love birthdays :)

Last night, Mary was feeling down. She's taking online summer classes- they can be quite a pain in the derrière, and I know that if I'm feeling gloomy, what would make me feel better is some good ole fashion F-U-N! So! I suggested that we head to the beach, chillax, and make campfire goodies! Only one beach within a reasonable distance has fire pits, so we ventured over there to get the party started...the party of 3, hehe. I made some banana boats! Basically it's a banana cut lengthwise, filled with marshmallows and chocolate chips, and thrown in the fire! I really liked them, it was kind of like Bananas Foster I want to say. We also had s'morz with Hershey's and Reese's! Yumola.

By the way- Emma Claire is the middle roomie! She just got back to the apartment after spending time with her family! Emma Claire, everyone. Everyone, Emma Claire. She is so sweet, plus she laughs at my jokes, so I am forever thankful for her existence!
It was pretty chilly outside, and the smell of a (softly) roaring fire made me think of the holidays! Cold nights, friends, music, fires, roasted marshmallows... I love how California has summer days and mild winter nights. Two seasons in one day! Since holiday thoughts were swirling in my head (I wonder what desserts I'll make for my friends this year! I can't go crazy though, I still have to get a 6-pack at some point..Ugh. I hope I take a cute sweater/scarf picture for instagram... Maybe this year I will pull off a beanie. OMG CHAI TEA AT STARBUCKS. I wish I had a Chai Tea colored sweater... too bad my skin tone doesn't work with the color "Chai Tea." I'll take a picture with my Chai Tea? I kinda want to make some lotion or something for my friends.. all 3.4 of them. Mom will decorate the house so cute and put on the holiday smell goods! GRISWOLDS. Can't wait to see what old Cajun family recipes Dad decides to try this holiday season!) I came to the conclusion that I'd make sweet potato oatmeal to remind me of sweet potato pie.
I had half of a sweet potato in the fridge from when I baked it the other day for supper. I just threw the sweet potato in the uncooked oatmeal, cooked the oatmeal, added cinnamon, honey, vanilla, and decorations and bam! It was....okay. I mean, I  put honey instead of sugar because I had just put 48 tablespoons of sugar in my coffee, so having a different sweetening medium made me feel less of a piggy. It did need some more sweetness for me! And unfortunately I had no good food stylist ideas today. So voila my breakfast.

Happy Thursday! I think I shall go browse the malls as my method of exercise for the day :)


  1. Hahahaha, loved this one! You seem a tad bit ADD...but you know how much I love you...:-)
    Keep truckin'!
    Love, Mom

    1. Where does the apple not fall far from...!?

  2. Enjoy reading this blog and I was thinking the same thing about the ADD LOL. Thanks Tracy for letting us know about the blog and thanks Remi for being brave enough to share your adventures!

  3. You need to fix this for me when you get home. Aunt Becky
