Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hello & Goodbye!


First, I suppose it would be proper to introduce myself. I'm Remi! I pronounce it (Rem-e) which seems simple enough; however, you would be surprised at the various pronunciations that are thrown my way ('Ree-my', whut?). I just wrapped up my freshman year of college in Louisiana (I'm a southern gal) and I cannot be more excited for summer!

My lovely friend Rachel and me at a school football game this past fall!
Last summer, I spent June in Southern California. It was... rather stupendous I must say. The only reason I know about this magical place is because my mom took me to Orange County for *Spriiiiiiiing Breaaaaak* about two years ago for the first time, and I fell in l-o-v-e (I also realized that traveling would most certainly be a frequent occurrence in my life). The mountains were beautiful, the water was beautiful, the plants were beautiful, the air... was beautiful. I remember a fun trip full of laughs and new sights.
First trip to Cali-breakfast with mom. She's a darling!

Every time we head to CA (we are about to make our 4th trip) we love to eat at this little restaurant in Laguna Beach called 'Greeter's Corner.' "Hi, yes, 2 please. We'll take outside dining."
Oh, the memories! Thank you for such lovely trips Mommy. I cherish every moment.
Okay, so for the fun part. This time I get to spend the ENTIRE summer in California! Gnarly duuude. Seriously though, I have been waiting for this day since I left California a year ago. I'm so happy that I will be staying with my friend Mary who I met last June. She is the cutest thing! She is in college in SoCal working towards a degree in art. She does the best paintings/drawings/computer art, plus.. she draws a pretty precious succulent! We both love Sprinkles cupcakes, so naturally I foresee some cupcake dates as well as many more adventures-- I love that she is adventurous. 

Mary with her baby cake :)

This will be such a new experience for me. I will be away from home for 3 whole months, and I will be living in an apartment with Mary (yay!) but also with 2 strangers. I will adjust just fine though. I love to cook, so I think that is how I will make friends with everyone. "Do y'all valley girls want some gumbo!?" It would probably be more like, "Uhm, hey.. so I was going to make some chicken enchiladas tonight.. do y'all like chicken enchiladas? If you don't, I can totally try something else. Or, are you allergic to chicken? I can make yours with tofu. I actually don't know how to cook tofu? Maybe I'll just make some ice. Is everyone good with ice? Okay! I'll go get started."

My mom told me a few weeks ago when I made my first mini road trip (6 hours away) that I don't always have to know the answers beforehand. I can just figure things out as I go. I will try to keep that in mind. The nice thing about life is that it will keep truckin' for you even if you find yourself in a rut. Basically, take a chill pill. *raids pill cabinet for chill pills*

I plan to make this summer wonderful and full of firsts. Not the typical 'I'm a party girl and this summer I'ma get c r a y z a y' firsts. I want to wake up before dawn, bring my yoga mat to the beach, soak up the sunrise and let the ocean breeze take my thoughts with it. I want to go for a bike ride on a sunny day and meet new people along the sidewalk. I want to drive with the windows down to new cities and check out the sights.

This blog is mainly for my friends and family to keep up with my fun stuff! Then again, it's also for me so I can look back and remember the great times I had.

So I guess this is hello and goodbye! I leave in one week and I am toaaaadally stoked, man.


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