Saturday, February 13, 2016

Galentine's Day!

It's such a shame when you don't have a Valentine...

Unless you have a bacon rose.

Just kidding. I'd like a bacon rose and my crush to like me back.

Today, though, is Galentine's Day where you get together with your... you guess it! Gals!

The wind was gusting at roughly 94 miles per hour, so the streamers became part of our outfits.

Mom arranged these beautiful flowers!

We had some brunchy foods: a donut topiary, quiche, obviously bacon roses...

Then it was time for dessert! Pink Velvet Trifle, served by darling Rachel.

Being the weird human I am, I figured we needed a little game- "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not"! Basically it's the Bean Boozled game, where there are two identical jelly beans, one is barf flavored and one is peach, or lawn clippings and lime, dog food and chocolate pudding... you name it, they got it. We'd pop one in our mouth, and if we got the bad flavor, "HE LOVES ME NOT!!!!"

Thankfully we washed them down with some bubbles.

Surprisingly, we ended up getting a valentine after all!

Naturally we had to dance our food off. Kara, your hair?

I had such a fun time. Big thanks to Mom and Dad for helping a girl out. And actually, a gigantic thanks to my Dad for BUILDING THE ENTIRE DECK AND PERGOLA WITH HIS BARE HANDS HELLO. It's beautiful- thank you for providing a lovely location for Galentine's Day!!

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